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Accueil / VOYAGES / Living Teahupo’o, your guide for the best activities

Living Teahupo’o, your guide for the best activities

Dans UNE, Vidéos, VOYAGES 2 août 2017 0

Teahupo’o, the guide. What to do, what to see during the Billabong Pro in Tahiti

Like every year for the past 20 years, the Billabong Pro Tahiti brings together the world’s greatest surfers to this small municipality, hidden at the world’s end. For a few short weeks, the municipality will become the center of attention for all surf and extreme sports fans. The perfect wave that forms beyond its coral reef makes Teahupo’o one of the preferred spots for thrill seeking amateurs.

Let’s visit this place, now become a myth, and experience the different activities available in between two sets of your favorite surfers.


Teahupo’o, the Beginning of the Legend

Jaws, Mavericks, The Wedge, numerous waves worldwide seduce surfers however the wave formed at Teahupo’o is particularly respected and feared. The beauty of the wave has no equal unless it is the risks run by those who try to tame it.

It is mostly thanks to this very dangerous coral reef that the tubes at Hava’e Pass in Teahupo’o are so perfect. Add to it the blue turquoise lagoon adorning the wave, and it is no wonder that you have one of the most photogenic waves in the world.

Chops as it is known intimately, represents a challenge for surfers who lay their lives on the line reaching beyond the limits of the sport.

In 1997, the first competition called Black Pearl Horue Pro took place. When you ask Terava David, a regular at Teahupo’o, what he thinks, he answers, “The wave at Teahupo’o is unique! The feeling of being inside this huge tube with views of the mountains and your friends yelling from the line-up, is simply indescribable!… the wave controls you and there is simply nothing you can do, you must adapt…”

The legend grew around Teahupo’o built by the numerous accidents that occurred there.
The wave at Teahupo’o is a renegade and demands immense implication and concentration from the surfer to avoid disastrous consequences. With a wave breaking not even one kilometer from shore, the isolation of the Teahupo’o municipality, it is a veritable achievement that televisions from around the world are able to broadcast live this event globally.

For many years now, the Billabong Pro is a prestigious stop of the World Surf League; which makes the Tahitians proud.

Air Tahiti Nui Billabong Pro Trials 2017

lundi 7 août 2017 – mardi 8 août 2017 @ Toute la journée – La compétition Air Tahiti Nui Billabong Pro Trials 2017 se déroulera soit dans la période du 7 ou 8 août 2017 dans la passe de Hava’e dans la commune de Teahupo’o. Les wildcards (1 au vainqueur des TRAILS, 1 au meilleur tahitien) obtenu par les gagnants leur permettront de participer à la compétition officielle BILLABONG […]

Billabong Pro Tahiti 2017

samedi 5 août 2017 – mardi 22 août 2017 @ Toute la journée – La Polynésie Française accueillera l’édition 2017 de la BILLABONG PRO TAHITI, septième étape du circuit de la WSL World Surf League, du 5 au 22 août 2017 à Teahupo’o, ville située sur la presqu’île de TAHITI. C’est l’événement du championnat du Monde professionnel de Surf le plus attendu par les surfeurs professionnels tout en étant […]

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Teahupo’o, the guide. What to do, what to see during the Billabong Pro in Tahiti

As usual, we at Tahiti Agenda think of you and give you a few tips to spend your days in this little corner at the end of the island:

The program of events (updated 4 August 2017)

04 August 17

– Opening ceremony of the Pre-Trials and TRIALS OF THE BILLABONG PRO TAHITI 2017 in the village of Teahupoo, PK 0 (end of road) at 14h.

– Musical entertainment with the TRIO KAINA at 14h.

06 August 17

– Live Music from 1pm.

07 or 08 August 17

1/2 all day to be determined according to the conditions of waves:

– Pre-Trials / Selective of our local athletes for the Trials of the Billabong Pro Tahiti 2017 and

– BILLABONG TRIALS PRO TAHITI 2017 / Of the local and foreign athletes for the main event,

– The prize-giving ceremony will be held on the last day of competition, on the 7th or 08/08/17 accompanied by a dance performance

09 August 2017:

– Pro surfing session PRO From the Billabong team to the BILLABONG TAHITI boutique at the Vaima Center from 1 pm to 2 pm

10 August 2017:

– Opening ceremony of the BILLABONG PRO TAHITI 2017 at 10am at Fare Mahora Point, Teahupoo, at 10 am; From 11 to 22 August 2017:

– MAIN EVENT BILLABONG PRO TAHITI 2017, international professional competition of the World Surf League circuit;

– The prize-giving ceremony will be held on the last day of competition, which will be defined according to the conditions of the swell and the advance of the series carried out during this period;

12 August 2017:

– Demonstration of wrestling in the Sand with the assistance of the wrestling Federation and Mr David PROIA.

– Musical entertainment with the TRIO KAINA at 3pm.

13 August 17

– Live Music from 1pm. – Solidarity action by the World Surf League (WSL) for disadvantaged children in Teahupoo commune, by handing out school supplies (bags and kits) at 2 pm;

Between 13 and 19 August 2017:

– Visit of the « Rahui » – Cutting of the coral with the participation of the CRIOB and the Tahiti Iti Surf Club Association

August 19th 2017:

– Awareness Day on the VINI URA with its Ambassador Mr David PROIA.

– Musical entertainment with the TRIO KAINA at 3pm.

20 August 17

– Live Music from 1pm.

In addition to these events, you could for example

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Video of the web — the wave of Teahupo’o

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LIVE BANDS de Tahiti

Live Bands, les groupes de Musique à Tahiti

Vous cherchez un groupe de musique pour l’animation d’une soirée ?
Tahiti Agenda vous a établi une liste avec l’aide des musiciens du fenua.


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À propos de Tahiti-Agenda

Depuis le 12 février 2007, Tahiti Agenda répertorie l'essentiel des sorties du fenua.Avec plus de +29000 Fans sur Facebook, c'est le site de référence des sorties. Avec la participation des internautes, le site a rendu possible le référencement de milliers Events qui ont également été publiés et partagés sur les réseaux sociaux. Tahiti Agenda, le site internet de vos sorties du fenua, depuis 2007.

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